Don’t Lose Your Head This Christmas

Remember, Christmas is a special time to spend with your loved ones and to capture all those Headless Moments on film.


[pic] I took this one at a local thrift store. This ill-fated snowglobe was sitting on a shelf right above the extensive Herb Alpert and his Tijuana Brass record collection.

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Filed under Christmas

Baraka Obama is the last of a dying breed of blood thirsty politicians…

Baraka Obama’s Flawless Victory in 2008

It’s safe to say that Obama will have a generation of web 2.0 junkies in his back pocket this coming election. I’m sure he’s also locked in the gamer vote. It’ll be interesting to see whether his party affiliation will be for Outworld, Netherealm, or Earthrealm. But one things for sure– if he needs campaign contributions, I’ve got plenty of quarters. Can you guys name any other similarities between Barack Obama and Baraka? Please share.


Filed under Barack Obama, Baraka, Election 2008, Mortal Kombat

I don’t want you to see me yet.

I’m burrowing around the net, just looking for a new home for my musings. I want the look, I want the look, the look of love, so I’m in the process of revamping the site so it’s as pretty as a button… (a shiny, glassy web 2.0 button). So stay tuned for more rids as I prepare for the move.

I realized I neglected to answer Vermicious Kid Rid #2. For those of you keeping track, it’s been 2 months since my last confession. That surely is a sin. I’m sorry to have waited so long to post, but it’s the start of a new year… sue me. It just took me a while longer to awake from my winter slumber. Without further adieu, the name of the tree and poem is “Weeping Willow.”

I hope you guys enjoyed it and stay posted for more!

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Vermicous Kid is Taking Vitamins

Hi Vermicious Kids,
Sorry about the long absence. As a wise woman once said in Concini and Germi’s Divorce Italian Style “that which makes the wine taste so divine is not the grapes but rather the long, slow process of aging and the fact that one has waited and longed for it…” So you see, desire grows with time…and uh, ’tis true that it hold truer today…then it did yesterday. I’m just Hartnetting you, just Hartnetting you.

Truth is, I’ve been recovering from the annual bout with depression that the new year brings with it. Just when I thought I recovered this week, I read this. So I’ve been stockpiling my vitamins and dinner rolls. I’ll try to stockpile more Kid Rids as well. Don’t worry, we’ll get through this together.

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Filed under vermicious kid rids

vermicious kid rid #2

ahoy hoy,
I honestly wanted to share this rid earlier but I couldn’t resist…the aroma of a freshly baked steaming new rid. Just like mom used to make. so I gave into temptation, ate it all myself, didn’t share one morsel. but lucky for you guys I just took a dizzle and as luck would have it, the rid passed smoothly with hardly any fecal occult. So, I present to you, not quite fresh from the oven, but still steaming and aromatic…vermicious kid rid #2:

Suppose Madmartigan’s fellow journeyman witnesses his village and its people being destroyed, pillaged, and plundered by Hounds. Writing peacefully under the shade of a very sad tree, Vada Sultenfuss would probably be inspired to write a poem based on his reaction.. What is the name of the tree and the name of the poem?

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Filed under film, movies, riddle, trivia

vermicious kid rid #1 answer

Hello everyone,
i applaud those of you who figured out the answer(s) to vermicious kid’s inaugural riddle. I received so many comments and answers to this first riddle that I didn’t approve of any to post because I was so overwhelmed. Actually, by “I received so many comments…” I mean I didn’t receive any…or did I? I didn’t not not receive any…earregardless here’s the solution in so many parts:

body of water: Billy Ocean
single: “Caribbean Queen”
initials: C.Q.
directorial debut and director: CQ and Roman Coppola
famed director: Francis Ford Coppola
famed film about family: The Godfather(s)

whew…that was fun. I’ll try to post the “rids” as frequently as I can. And I hope you guys return and frequent the site as much as you can.

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Filed under riddle, trivia

How do I look…

Sit tight, Vermicious Kids. I’ve been researching new wordpress themes and widgets to try out on the site so don’t fret about the answer to Vermicious Kid Rid #1. I’d like a more fitting aesthetic to the site, so I may change things on the fly.

Since there are no comments, I’ll hold off on posting the answer and Vermicious Kid Rid #2. So feel free to get those brains a churnin’. I hope I didn’t make the riddle too hard or random. I think anyone can get it with a little googling/research. I’m hoping that image I whipped up with my amateur photoshop skills serves a sufficient clue. Also, email me if you have any pop culture riddles or thinking puzzles. I’m always open to suggestions.

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Filed under update

Vermicious Kid Rid #1


Included in this body of water’s body of work is a single that has the initials of the directorial debut of a person who’s in the family of a famed director who directed a famed film about family.

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Filed under 70s movies, 80s music, Blogroll, film, movies, music, pop music, riddle, trivia

Vermicious Kid Rid

As you can see from the title of this post I have decided to title the daily riddles “Vermicious Kid Rid.” And in a shameless attempt to sap a good rhyme I’ll introduce a new review section called “Vermicious Kid’s Quid‘s” (although I might have to move to London or take up tobacco chewing or both to keep it going) and follow it up with “Vermicious Kid’s Lid’s” (where I review the best that the plastic food storage container industry has to offer) and then follow that up with “Vermicious Kid’s Bid’s” (to take a bite out of Ebay’s marketshare). And if that wasn’t enough, maybe I can do some sort of foster children/charity awareness type thing called “Vermicious Kid’s Kids” ……..And then, to raise AIDS awareness around the world I’ll attempt single-handedly to rid the world of this disease with a biro and a B+ in 11th grade Honors Chemistry. I’ll call it “Vermicious Kid’s Aids”…OK, I’m sorry. That doesn’t even rhyme. Now I’m just going through the alphabet.

I’ll leverage the shit out of that rhyme!

The following post is the first Rid…that I’m reposting from my first post since there were no responses. Feel free to comment. I’ll try to follow up soon with the answer and another Rid.

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Life is a Ball, and Laughter is Calling For You.

jack tripper

Three’s Company was videoraped in front of a live studio audience.

Random Meaningless Thought: The visual image and phrase above popped in my head a while back. Wanted to post it with a clevererer title but couldn’t come up with a play on the words in ” Come and Knock on our Door”…oh well.

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Filed under 70s tv, random

Lame New Cingular Commercial

Pet Peeve #85: Illogical commercials…The new Cingular Wireless commercial where two guys sing The Clash’s “Rock the Casbah” incorrectly. Now, I’ve been guilty at one time or another of messing up the lyrics to songs, i.e. “excuse me, while I kiss this guy” in Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple Haze.” But it’s one thing to screw up a few words in the song, and another to totally slaughter the words in the song when the words being slaughtered are the title. That’s just unacceptable. The two guys start singing “Rock the Casbah” just seconds after one of them downloads it to his phone. I just don’t see how anyone could think the the words are “Lock the Cashbox” much less “Stop the Catbox” when he’s obviously just downloaded the damn song as “Rock the Casbah” from his computer! Tell me, where’s the logic in that? Doesn’t make any lick of sense, I tell’s ya. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to catch the episode I Tivo’ed of my favorite new comedy of the season starring the hil-are-ious Racy Gorgon, Dirty Rocks.


Filed under tv

Now We’re Sharing the Same Dream…

What I sometimes like to do with and by myself–among other things–is come up with riddles or lateral thinking puzzles, if you will. I hope you will. Anyway, a good format that I have come up with for now is to do riddles in chains. That is, each riddle will have some similarity or link to the previous riddle. I may later on decide to do them in themes of pop culture like 80s music, family sitcoms, or cuts of beef. Mind you, these might just be brain droppings on the spot or well thought out puzzles. Some might be idiotic and some might be genius. I can’t promise anything. Later on, I’ll try to have this feature as a sidebar for easier viewing. Hope those who enjoy comment and those who don’t keep their filthy mouths shut. Just joshing–feel free to post your thoughts or the answer…or even better riddles. Cheers.

And now, submitted for the approval of the midnight society, I present the first riddle:
Included in this body of water’s body of work is a single that has the initials of the directorial debut of a person who’s in the family of a famed director who directed a famed film about family.

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Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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